This is a deck planning tool—there is no integration with
the game itself, even if you use the PC version.
To see a different deck category, click the picture in the upper left.
Each deck category can have many user decks. Use the menu at the top of the card
listing to create a new deck or switch between decks.
To add or remove a card from the current deck:
Left click a row: Add card to your deck
Right click a row: Remove card from your deck
Your data may be lost if you tell the browser to erase all "cookies".
Use the Back up command in the menu to save to a file.
Discuss this tool at the NoGoblinsAllowed or
Wizards forums.
Author contact: MysteriousMisterP at the forums
Close instructions
Legal notes
This tool is NOT affiliated in any way with Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Card images are the property of Wizards. Their use here is intended to
follow the guidelines given by Wizards for fan site linking (copyright
notice shown, and image files not hosted locally).
This web site is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically
approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. This web site may use the trademarks
and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted
under Wizards'
Fan Site Policy. MAGIC: THE GATHERING® is
a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. For more information about Wizards of
the Coast or any of Wizards' trademarks or other intellectual property, please
visit their website at
Dismiss legal notes
Import from a file
WARNING: This will overwrite all your data for one game year.
(You will be told which year in the next step.)
Choose a file to import.
Import from clipboard
WARNING: This will overwrite all your data for one game year!
(You will be told which year in the next step.)
Your browser does not support reading directly from a file.
Paste the backup data into the box below. (Use the same data that was created
by the Back up command.)
(Use Ctrl+V or Command+V to paste.)
Back up to a file
Important note: You are only saving data for the
game edition.
You must separately back up your data for each other edition.
Your data is in a special browser "cookie", and is lost if you erase cookies.
Saving to an external file protects your data.
You can also import the saved file on a different computer or browser.
This tool can't save a file directly, due to browser security restrictions.
Instead, copy the selected text below and paste in a blank text file.
I suggest naming the file "".
(Use Ctrl+C or Command+C to copy.)
Post to forums
Choose table or plain format, and select one of the 5 table groupings:
Only at (No support at
If your deck is designed for only one game mode, choose it here:
Decks posted to
the forums
using this tool include a clickable link
at the end to directly open in this planner.
You can also paste that link here to recreate the deck.
(Use Ctrl+V or Command+V to paste.)
CancelCreate deck
RapidRebuild for "..."
These instructions help you quickly reconstruct this deck in the game.
For convenience, the cards to remove are listed in descending cost order.
Step 1: Reset the "..." deck.
Step 1a: Sort the sideboard by Cost.
Step 2: Add these cards
Step 3: Remove these cards
Step 4: Verify ... card deck size
Sample hand for "libname"
Counts for basic lands are not available; using placeholder lands instead.